Sunday, November 22, 2015


   This week I had to write a paper on Fatherhood and it really made me think about my father and how amazing he is. I honestly love my dad so much and truly believe that he is the most amazing person in the world. Growing up I knew that I could go to my dad for anything and I’m very biased but I honestly believe that I have the best dad ever. He was always involved in everything I did. From the time I was young I always felt safe when my dad was home and I knew that he would protect me no matter what. I also knew that our house was protected because we blessed it when we moved. My dad always made sure that we felt safe even when he had to go out of town for business. I also knew that my mom and dad always worked together on any problems or situations and they could support each other.
   My dad used to sit us down each Fast Sunday and talk to us about what was happening in our life, how our spiritual growth was going, and if we needed anything. After he talked to us he would tell us each how proud he was of us and how much he loved us. Just by sitting and talking I had greater love for my dad and we grew so much closer. My dad is the greatest example to me and has always been my hero. He is there for me emotionally, mentally, and spiritually at all times. My father has the most amazing testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ and of Heavenly Father’s plan for each of us. He has always been a great example of service, compassion, love, and dedication. He is the hardest worker I have ever known and loves everyone no matter what they have been through. I am truly grateful for such an amazing dad. 
   There are so many things a dad should be; he should be kind, caring, compassionate, share responsibilities, provide, protect, and preside, he should love his wife and love their children. Dad's make the world go round. Father's should be there from the time his children are born and everyday from then. There were 5 key points I thought dads should do or be. 1.Fathers need to show their support to their wife and be joined in raising children. 2. Fathers need to show they share the responsibilities with their wife. 3. Fathers need to be there for the birth of their child and be there for them for the rest of their life.  4.  Fathers need to make sure no economic or job barriers get in their way of raising children.  5. Fathers should play multiple roles in the family just as the mother does.  

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