Thursday, November 5, 2015


   What does fidelity mean? The definition I found states, "faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support" and the second definition, "sexual faithfulness to a spouse or partner". When people think of infidelity they think of a husband or wife/ girlfriend or boyfriend having sexual relations with someone they are not dating or married to. There are multiple ways that people could not have fidelity that are not physical or sexual. They could be married but lusting after technology, fantasies, and another relationship with another person in a non-physical way. Some of the words that are synonyms of Fidelity are loyalty, obedience, constancy, and faithfulness. One of my biggest fears is a significant other being unfaithful and not being loyal to me. Something that was really brought to my mind about fidelity was that usually when a spouse cheats or is unfaithful there was already a disconnecting and a boundary that was lost in your relationship. It is so important to make sure that your relationship is strong, that you communicate, and that you make time for one another.
   I have always struggled with the idea of being cheated on and one way that it can be stopped is to set boundaries in your relationship. A man and a women who are not married should never be alone together if they are both married to someone else. Cheating does not occur in an instance. Two people usually connect on a deeper level and talk about their life and their family problems and they realize they are getting closer and then they begin to think about each other more and fantasize about the other causing the temptation to cheat to be stronger and stronger until they are unfaithful and they do not show loyalty to their spouse. This really scared me because I had to think of all the people in my life and how fidelity is shown now but was it always or will it always be. 
    Now I'm not saying that cheaters or those who are unfaithful can not be forgiven, because they can be. Jesus Christ died for our sins because we are mortal and we are going to make mistakes. I've known many wonderful people who have had the temptation of cheating or making the mistake of using pornography as a distraction from a unhappy relationship. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and are here to help us. This week really reminded me to stay strong in the gospel and to make sure that I keep my promises to my Heavenly Father. It is so important to have a heathy, strong, loving relationship, and our loving and caring Heavenly Father will help us do this if we allow him to be apart of our life and we are staying away from any idea or action of being unfaithful or and un-obedient. 

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