Friday, October 23, 2015

Dating and Marriage

   This week in class we talked a lot about dating and marriage (a common topic at BYUI). If you go or went to BYUI you know what I mean. Dating is brought up in class and church at least once every lesson. One of my teachers ALWAYS has to add in BYU- I do. But its marriage and dating is more serious than that. I remember I was always so nervous to begin dating and to even think about marriage but now I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with the one I love. Why? Because you support each other, you lift each other up, you start a family together, and so much more. Why wouldn't I be excited? To get married you date though. Yes, it is true you do have to date. It may seem scary to many but it is a key factor in finding your spouse.
  DATING IS NOT THE SAME AS HANGING OUT. Many people do not understand this statement, when your going on dates it should not feel as though you are just hanging out with the person. There are 3 P's when it comes to dating. Planned, Paid for, and Paired off. When its planned it means that whoever asked the other out on a date is in charge of planning the date, wether you go have a picnic in Porter Park or you Go play racquetball and get ice- cream afterwards it should be planned. Paid for; this means that whoever was in charge of the date pays for the supplies for the date, such as the food for the picnic or the ice-cream for after racquetball. Lastly, paired off. This does not mean that every date it just has to be a single date, what this does mean is that the people on the date know who they are with and pay special attention to that person. The couple on the date don't have to like each other or even love each other but they do need to pay attention to their date and know that they are together for the date. This is the opposite of hanging out.
  Hanging out you don't have to have anything planned because you could just be sitting at their apartment and making last minute plans. You don't have all the sup pies paid for most of the time because you don't know what you are going to do. And pairing off in a group that's just "hanging out" is uncomfortable and it usually feels as if their is competition when there are multiple people. Dating is the best, especially when you find the right person and you go on dates and its planned, paid for, and paired off. Guys, take girls out on dates, do not just ask them to hang out. When you ask just to hang out it puts the girl in a weird position because they don't know wether its a date so you'll plan and pay or if it is just hanging out and you will pay for your own things. Girl's, this goes for you as well. Also always except another guys offer to take you on a date. Who knows, maybe its your future husband? But most importantly, have fun with dating, go on some awesome dates, and never forget the 3 P's.

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